

The ‘Not-For-Profit’ (NFP) sector is characterised by the objective of creating ‘social’ rather than ‘material’ wealth. The sector is often referred to as the ‘Third sector’ or the ‘Community sector’ or still the ‘Non-profit Sector’ and it has grown in importance over the years with the inevitable need for social integration in economic development. The crucial role played by NFPs is recognised on worldwide by governments, civil society and the business community.

Non-profit organisation are driven by a strong mission to fulfil their purpose and generally don’t want their focus to become clouded by compliance, governance and operational and financial decision. HLB’s Not-For-Profit team of experts help a wide range of non-profit organisations fulfil their purpose by supporting NFP leaders and boards with their compliance needs, governance issues and strategic decisions. Creating value for clients in the Not-For-Profit sector is especially close to our hearts, because at HLB we look after the local communities we live and work in.

Helping NFPs reach their full potential

At HLB we understand the dynamics and the challenges of the NFP sector. Our experts have experience in the business verticals in which NFPs operate, ranging from agriculture, education, poverty alleviation programmes and general charity organisations. We are conscious of the various issues which NFPs must face compared to profit-oriented businesses. We are good listeners. We make sure we fully understand your challenges and needs and the framework in which an NFP operates before we design tailor-made solutions to help meet organisational objectives. We do not believe in ‘one size fits all’ and our advice is always based on each particular client case.

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