HLB Thailand recognised as one the best Transfer Pricing Firms in Thailand

23 August 2023

HLB Thailand is delighted to be recognized, for three consecutive years, as one of the most rapidly  growing and efficient transfer pricing firms in Thailand by the International Tax Review (ITR) comprehensive guide to the world’s leading transfer pricing firms in 2024. 

The ITR's research indicated feedback from more than 25,000 clients, covering almost 4,700  firms by 140 jurisdictions located on every continent.  

In addition, HLB Thailand has also been ranked “Notable Firm” in General Corporate Tax category by  ITR’s 2024 World Tax.

We’re very proud of this recognition that we have recently received and our highly professional and dedicated transfer pricing team looks forward to serving more clients internationally and locally. 

About HLB Thailand

HLB Thailand has a long tradition of serving international and local clients and today is one of the leading international accounting and advisory firms in Thailand specifically in Bangkok and Phuket.

We are one of only 30 audit firms in Thailand approved by the SEC to audit entities in Thailand’s capital markets. The approval follows a thorough review by the SEC of our audit quality control system to ensure our compliance with the International Standard on Quality Control 1 (ISQC 1).

About HLB

HLB International is a global network of independent professional accounting firms and business advisers. Formed in 1969, we service clients through our member firms in 158 countries, with 29,363 partners and staff in 795 offices worldwide.

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