International Container Cargo ship in operation.

Indirect Tax

It has been more than twenty years since the implementation of VAT in Thailand. However, complying with the VAT rules and requirements is still a challenge to most companies. With the step-up in audits by the Thailand Revenue Department, more focus should be placed on your VAT compliance. In HLB, we have a VAT specialist team that can provide practical and timely advice to support you in your day-to-day VAT tasks as well as taking a pro-active approach in managing your VAT risks.

How HLB can help?

Incorporation of businesses

  • Assess registration liability
  • Apply for VAT registration/exemption from VAT registration
  • Apply for VAT consolidated return registration
  • Advise on start-up issues (e.g. VAT coding in system, procedure manual on VAT treatment)

VAT Compliance

  • Assist with claiming of pre-registration input tax claims
  • Review and e-filing of VAT returns
  • Perform one-off VAT return review
  • Perform VAT health check reviews
  • Conduct VAT training

VAT Advisory

  • Advise on VAT treatment of day-to-day business transactions
  • Advise on VAT implications of new business models or cross-border transactions
  • Perform due diligence reviews

Tax Audits/Investigation

  • Manage tax audits/tax investigation process
  • Assist with replies to the Revenue Department’s queries
  • Assist with objection/appeal to tax assessments

Cessation of Business

  • Apply for cancellation of VAT registration
  • Advise on VAT implications of VAT de-registration, liquidation process
  • Advise on the VAT implications of the transfer of business
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